Erwan Tréguer

Mindfulness training instructor (MBSR)

Cycling, the “official sport” of my native region, Brittany, allowed me to discover the benefits of mental training: muscle relaxation promoting recovery and well-being, positive visualization, serenity, and confidence.

These same techniques allowed me to advance in my studies (engineering, master’s degree in marketing): being ready and focused on the exams, optimizing the time of revision.

At that time, I felt the need to “calm my mind,” and I was happy to discover tai chi and qi gong.

During my eight years in a company, I pursued martial arts and started meditation, both for the benefits of the practice and for the philosophical framework it can bring. My training has gradually intensified and has been a daily practice since 2012.

I particularly enjoy sharing my passion for sophrology and meditation, both individually and in groups, in a fun and practical way, with a great deal of curiosity and the desire to help everyone progress on their own path.

I have also been exploring the inner dimension of ecological transition for a few years now: changing ourselves to change the world, in the direction of alignment and harmony.

Leading sessions at the OTIUM Centre is an honor, and sharing with participants is particularly enriching.

Mes thérapieS