Living with and after cancer is a real challenge. And support is essential. Medical support, of course, but also support of another kind […]: support to help you cope better with medical treatment, care to give you the strength to become a player in your own recovery, advice to help you keep your footing and control your life.

The OTIUM Center has been in existence for eighteen months. On a time scale, that’s not much. But for our structure, that’s already a lot. All the more so as 2019 will have been our first full year of operation. It’s a year on which the future of our business depends.

The cancer did not stop progressing during the COVID-19 crisis. Nor has compliance with the measures taken during this period eased the hardships of our beneficiaries […]. A fact that makes us realize just how vital the existence of a center like ours is.

Despite the pandemic, the Foundation’s work continues, with a number of fine achievements to its credit, including the Corporate Partnership, which offers employers the chance to better support their employees affected by cancer through counseling sessions, free group courses and HR training provided by the OTIUM Center teams.

Avec l’inauguration du nouveau Centre OTIUM – Rive Droite, nous doublons notre capacité d’accueil afin de répondre aux besoins toujours plus nombreux de nos bénéficiaires. Le Partenariat Entreprises a séduit de nouveaux employeurs souhaitant accompagner leurs salarié-e-s pendant et après la maladie. Tous qualifient notre mission d’essentielle et complémentaire au traitement médical.

C’est avec beaucoup de joie que nous avons fêté cette année les cinq ans de l’ouverture de notre premier centre à la Place des Philosophes à Genève. Cet événement a pour toute l’équipe d’OTIUM la valeur d’une promesse : celle de poursuivre avec encore plus d’ambition notre action en faveur des personnes touchées par le cancer.