Delphine Hug

Reflexologist and back-to-work coach

Because each person is unique, his accompaniment must be singular and personalized.

Because each being is made up of infinite possibilities, it is essential to take all its dimensions into account.

Wishing to accompany the human being both as a whole and by offering him or her a tailor-made care, I have sought to continuously develop my skills to have a range of therapeutic practices from which each person will be able to find what suits him or her best.

As a psycho-corporal therapist, I have evolved 20 years in human resources, notably as a coach. In parallel and since 2009, I have been trained in magnetism, energetic care, traditional Chinese medicine (needles and suction cups, acupressure), shamanic care, massage, and reflexology.

I also trained in psychosocial risk management, the accompaniment of the elderly, sick, and the end of life. I want every human being to feel heard and supported at all stages of his or her life.

In addition to my regular practice in yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, I find my resources in expression through music, dance, creative arts, and theatre.

The reflexology and energetic treatments I practice at the Centre OTIUM take your body and its symptoms into account, your mind, and what it generates, as well as your emotions and feelings. The objective? To lighten your body and mind to help you move forward on your path with a little more lightness.

As for coaching, it enables us to accompany you on your career path and help you to better understand your return to work, or to work with you to develop a new, meaningful professional project.

Mes thérapieS