Caroline-Laure Gousseau

Specialist in Emotional Management and Trauma Release, EMDR, Bioenergetics, Homeopathy, Acupuncture

I specialize in managing emotions and releasing traumas, phobias and memories, particularly transgenerational ones. I’m also a homeopath, bio-energetician and palliative care and bereavement coach. In my role as a health coach, I aim to help patients, through the various therapies I practise, to free themselves from certain physical, psychological and spiritual ailments. These are so-called “short” therapies, whose aim is to achieve wellness as quickly as possible, depending on the individual’s problems, traumas, pathologies and personal pathway. These include dialogue, altered states of consciousness, eye techniques such as EMDR, and SAVK®, with complementary sensory input. For more information, visit my website ENERGIE DES 3 ŒUVRES: I’m passionate about understanding how human beings function, helping them to free themselves from stress, physical and emotional ailments, psychosomatic influences, family and cellular memories, and to regain their health, vitality, autonomy and self-awareness. With this in mind, I felt it essential to complement my scientific knowledge as a pharmacist with therapeutic practice and the essential human contact that characterizes it. I was lucky enough to be able to learn techniques that I found effective and complementary as I met patients and understood their needs. I’m delighted to be able to offer them as useful therapies before, during or after cancer or other serious illnesses, or when you become aware of unhappiness or psychosomatic manifestations. They are also useful in supporting caregivers, whose health must also be preserved at every level during this sometimes lengthy ordeal. Some of these therapies are used to reduce the side effects of certain treatments. 1. Specialist in trauma release, emotional management, toxic bonding. Emotional management therapy helps us to free ourselves and master negative emotions, beliefs and memories that have an influence on our psychic state and the body as a whole. These may be beliefs and issues that have existed for many years and that condition our perception of ourselves, including self-confidence, persistent sadness and anger, and repeated negative events. They can also be the result of unresolved grief, trauma (including birth-related trauma, the announcement and experience of a serious illness, break-ups, redundancies, etc.). Discoveries in epigenetics have shown that trauma is imprinted in our DNA and can be passed on for “at least three generations ”*. These traumatic marks were also found to be reversible, thanks in particular to dedicated therapies such as metakinebiology, which I have been practicing for over 10 years. For more information on these techniques and related videos, please visit my website:

* Can we free ourselves from our genes? Ariane Giacobino, geneticist and epigeneticist

2. Release from phobias, OCD: The SAVK technique This technique is a method for treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), phobias, blockages, OCD, anxiety, repetitive patterns, suffering…etc. This desensitization technique is based on the way the brain works and on neuroscientific insights into psycho-emotional mechanisms. A multitude of approaches, such as DESCOPEM, EMDR, EMI/EMO, etc., use eye movements to help integrate emotions and release induced stress. The special feature of SAVK® will be the integration of other complementary sensory inputs, such as auditory and kinaesthetic, enabling greater interaction at brain level.3. Bioenergy Bioenergy enables energy to be rebalanced by laying on the hands or energy bodies (without touching the consultant). It frees you from physical, emotional and/or psychological pain and blockages. It helps reduce the side effects of certain treatments. This practice brings calm and serenity, and allows the patient to refocus. For consultants who don’t want to talk, this can be done in silence.

4. Unicist homeopathy, quantum therapy During a homeopathy session, the therapist will take an anamnesis to select a specific homeopathic remedy to relieve physical and/or psycho-emotional ailments. The unicist homeopath will prescribe a single homeopathic remedy for the patient, considering his or her ailments as a whole. 5. Acupuncture Acupuncture is an age-old therapy that promotes energy rebalancing and well-being. When the basic insurance quota is reached, you can use your supplementary insurance if necessary.

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